The Cobham Millers

"The Cobham Millers" is a group of people interested in supporting the mill, through the activities of the Cobham Mill Preservation Trust. Its aim is to ensure that this important part of Cobham's heritage is preserved for the enjoyment and education of current and future generations.The Trust is a registered charity (No. 294826).


You can support the mill by becoming a Cobham Miller. The annual membership subsciption is a minimum of £10 per member. As a Cobham Miller you will receive an annual newsletter keeping you up to date with the work of preserving and operating the mill, and giving information on the events in which the mill plays a part.


All you need do is complete a membership form (see below) and send it to us with your subscription. Additional donations are, of course, always most welcome. We would prefer you to pay your annual subscription by standing order, but cash or a cheque is always acceptable. Because the Cobham Mill Preservation Trust is a registered charity, it would be even better if you also complete a Gift Aid Declaration so that we can claim a little extra from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.


Many Cobham Millers are actively engaged with the work of conserving the mill. If you would like to join them, please consider becoming a volunteer.  Should you be interested in being more involved, perhaps becoming a guide or a technician, or helping to maintain the areas around the mill, the Trust would like to hear from you. If your ambition is to run the mill itself, training can be provided! The commitment can be as little as a couple of hours per year, although many members  give more.


If you are not sure, but are interested in finding out what is involved in playing a part in the activities of Cobham Mill Preservation Trust, please let us know. You can e-mail us at Alternatively, leave a message on 01932 867387 with your name and a contact number or simply tick ‘Other’ at the top of the membership application form below, and we will get back to you.

Becoming a Cobham Miller

Click on the Membership Form below to download the membership application form and return your completed form with your subscription/donation to our membership secretary at the address given on the Contact Us page.

Download Membership Form
Adobe Acrobat document [86.0 KB]

Because our membership data is held on computer, the Cobham Mill Preservation Trust is subject to the current requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulations and the UK Data Protection Act. As a consequence, it is obliged to request that you also complete and sign the form below. Here you will find further details, and information regarding the extent of your personal data that the Trust will hold.

Download Data Protection Form
Data Protection Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1'000.8 KB]

The Membership Application form and the Data Protection form are PDF files. Most computers can already display and print this type of file, but if necessary please download the Adobe PDF Reader free by clicking here.

We are located at:

Cobham Mill
Mill Road
KT11 3AL

Contact us

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:



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Copyright © 2019 Cobham Mill Preservation Trust